Little Lights Stay & Play

We are passionate about everyone knowing the love of God! One of the ways we are being light in our communities is by running Little Lights Stay & Play, a group for little ones aged 0-5 years. A safe place for little ones to have a play, for their parents and carers to build connections and have a cuppa!

When does Little Lights meet?

We meet fortnightly in term time on Fridays at 9:30am-11am at St. Mary's Hall, Padstow Road, B24 0TB. All you'll need is a £1 donation and we take care of the rest!

To check the dates we’re meeting, check out the calendar here.

Little Bundles

As part of our stay and play we have Little Lights Bundles, a free resource with excellent quality, new and second-hand clothing (age 0-5) and baby equipment completely free of charge to anyone who needs it, regardless of background, faith or income. Pop along for your kids to have a play, choose some new clothes, or just have a chat and meet other families. 

How can you donate items?

Currently, we aren’t able to accept donations as we are bursting with so many of your lovely donations already! Please check back here as we will give details when we are able to. Thank you for thinking of us!