
Welcome to HerStory

My name is Denise Hibbert and on my Christian journey I’ve had a vision deeply pressed on my heart over the last decade of starting a women’s group, a group which shares real stories. Until now I have been coming up with excuses to God as to why I can’t do this, but now is the right time to move forward and a time for action.

HerStory is ‘a safe space for women to share and reflect on relevant life challenges/successes.’ A time of key testimonies leading to positive and practical discussions. This will be an opportunity to lighten the life load, create meaningful connections, grow deeper in faith and enable us to create a Godly firm foundation in which to stand.

Some of the topics that will be covered:

 Motherhood

 Becoming a carer for a relative/friend

 Bereavement – miscarriage/child loss

 Marriage

 Separation

 Singleness

 Dating

 Becoming a widow

 Menopause

We have a core team of women who are a part of the HerStory Team who are from a range of churches including Lighthouse Church. We are currently in partnership the Lighthouse Church who have provided great support.

The meeting dates will be approximately every 6 weeks and will be updated on this page so please keep popping back for more information!

The discussion topics are aimed and appropriate for women of all ages.

Here are the dates for 2025 so far:

6th March

10th April

15th May

All meetings will be from 7.30pm – 9pm.

Very excited to see you soon!!!

Denise Hibbert

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10